The cable crossing sleeper was developed by DENA and offers the innovative and cost-effective possibility to use power, signal and communication cables individually and can be installed in the ballast bed easily. Weight and size are based on a steel control sleeper commonly used by the railroad. Thus, the sleeper can be used individually as a crossing cable duct in straight track, in track curves or in switch areas, depending on the requirements.
By installing cable crossing sleepers, an extreme reduction in the effort required for the installation and laying of cables can be achieved. At the same time, the use of cable shaft sleepers provides safety and sustainable protection against the effects of weather and maintenance work.
For more information, please refer to the data sheet and the product folder.
The company DENA Stahlbau GmbH & Co. KG has all necessary certificates for high quality and usable products, especially the DB certificate HPQ, welding shop class 2 according to DB AG RiLi 826.1021 as well as QS ISO 9001, ISO 14001.