What is the Railway Portal?
The Railway Portal is the first independent online marketplace for the railway for professionals. We sell rail products across Europe through our platform. The focus is on used goods and devices, such as switches, rails, sleepers, etc., which are used in a different place in the sense of the circular economy, as well as on tools, vehicles for construction and maintenance and railway systems.
We connect supply and demand on our platform and provide information on the topics of railways, sustainability and circular economy.
The history of the railway portal
Georg Vesely (formerly Georg Hlavac) had the idea a few years ago. He started his career in the railway sector in 1999 with a civil engineer and worked from 2001 for many years as a technician and department manager at ÖBB Infrastruktur AG.
During his work, Georg experienced how many branch and connecting railways were facing major problems due to the high costs of building, maintaining and operating railway lines – and this prevented the more extensive use of the railroad as a means of transport. The railroad can solve many future traffic problems. It has great ecological and economic advantages over other modes of transport.
The Railway Portal started in July 2019 and was able to build up an extensive, interested community within a short time and already had thousands of page views by the end of the year.
The year 2020 also affected the Railway Portal with Corona, lockdowns and many uncertainties, but during this time awareness of circular economy, resource reuse and the railway itself also grew. All in all, very good prerequisites for 2021 … on the way to becoming the largest independent online marketplace for the railway industry.
One more point is very important to us: We built the Railway Portal with a lot of enthusiasm and ambition. We are not bound to any corporation or lobbying organization, but rather neutrally and focus on companies that want to operate rail infrastructure economically. Our goal is to reduce the construction costs for railway infrastructure and thus stimulate the market. We work in a customer-oriented manner – our platform is there for you and we are open to new suggestions that will help you and together bring us closer to the goal of achieving the further use of materials and vehicles or the reuse of abandoned railway systems. That saves resources, saves CO 2 and is inexpensive for everyone.

Ing. Georg Vesely
has around 20 years of experience in the planning, construction and implementation of railway projects and has also been trained as a mediator since 2015. He then founded his own engineering office for railway construction and infrastructure technology, and in 2016 he was sworn in as a sworn and court-certified expert.
What's next?
The Railway Portal is a growing portal and grows with new wishes and ideas. Currently there is already the marketplace for materials and vehicles, a directory of service providers, a job market, rentals, tenders and more.
I look forward to suggestions and feedback. Contact me for any questions.