The market place
On the marketplace you will find used and new materials and vehicles for construction, maintenance and servicing of railway lines and railways, such as points and accessories, rails, sleepers, small permanent way irons, buffer stops, permanent way equipment, catenary masts, catenary materials, safety materials (such as signals, axle counters, locking shoes, …), signs, locomotives, wagons, two-way vehicles, shunting vehicles, spare parts for railway vehicles and much more.
Also take a look at our renting offers (such as railway parking spaces) and requests for proposals (rfp). Click below to select a category.
Sell your used goods & vehicles!
As a supplier, you can simply buy your stock goods and flexibly offer used materials, vehicles and goods. Click here!

Data collection on site
We would be happy to assist you in collecting and recording your stored goods or materials that are no longer required for you - directly at your site. We take care of cataloging, photographing and describing the products and put them online for you. No effort on your part. Contact us for detailed prices.
Service providers
Are you a service provider in the railway sector? Let yourself into our list of service providers to be easily found by potential customers. Or publisha railway related job offeronline.