Service providers

In the service provider directory you find companies that offer a wide range of services related to railways as well as the construction, maintenance and servicing of railway facilities, such as planning services, surveying, routing, feasibility studies, inspections and expert opinions, railway construction, turnout and rail services, shunting services, etc. Looking for a job? See the job advertisements and job postings here. Translated with (free version)

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Logo MS Rail

MS Rail – MS Protection

MS Rail bietet zur Optimierung des Zugbetriebs Spezialbeschichtungsprodukte für den Schutz von Oberflächen von Schienenfahrzeugen an, die sich durch Zuverlässigkeit,

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Logo EBE Solutions


EBE Rail bietet innovative Lösungen für Eisenbahnunternehmen im Bereich der Sicherungs- und Stellwerktechnik. Egal, welche Art von Bahn Sie betreiben

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Railway signal

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Job advertisements

You can find our job postings and job advertisements under “Jobs“.

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Get listed in the directory of service providers to be easily found by potential clients. Or place your job advertisement in the railway sector online at the Railway Portal.

A service provider listing costs only € 159 per year (without automatic renewal). Or place your job advertisement. Offers for 3 months. All prices excl. VAT. All details on request.